Trumpian “Right” Monarchist Shift
Finding Manuland XXI: Nothing new about the political “Right” going full-on Monarchist.
In conferring absolute immunity for a US president’s “Official Conduct,” US Supreme Court immunised the president from having their “motives” examined as part of the legal analysis to determine which is “Official” and not official conduct of a president.
This is the most important and unusual aspect of this judgment. By far.
In essence, this element of the judgment establishes a monarchical form of government in the United States for the first time since they kicked the mad English Monarch out.
Followers of the Power of Mana will immediately be able to discern the meaning illuminating Monarch, if I give you this clue:
“Motive” is an inflection of “Motivation.” In communities, like America and England which are governed according to Common Law, the formal meaning of “Motive” or “Motivation” is Mens Rea (meaning: the “Mana” in the thing, where the “thing” is the potentially Criminal conduct).
As an aside, do take note of how immanent in all of these fundamental common law meanings and signifiers is the M-N- sound. There’s an empirical causal motivation of this phenomenon as early Roman Law (upon which English and American Common law systems are based) was itself grounded on early Rome’s archaic religion Numenism - we will return to this in later episodes of Finding Manuland.
For anyone caught in a Common Law system to be criminally liable for potentially criminal activity, two elements must be present and proven in court beyond all reasonable doubt to be true: the mental element (Mens Rea) must be immanent in the actus reus.
For example, you must have intended (mens rea) to cover up your payment (actus reus) to the porn star whom you bonked in furtherance of a scheme to defraud the American people through committing campaign finance violations.
A jury of Trump’s peers found, unanimously, that Trump had 34 times intended to commit campaign finance violations to win the US presidency. Open and shut case, as we lawyers say.
The illegitimate Supreme Court’s judgment won’t affect Trump’s criminal conviction for 34 felonies. The only element of those crimes that occurred while he was president was his signing of some of the cheques in the Oval Office. This was part of the cover-up. Evidence about the signing of those cheques was proffered to the jury, as evidence of the actus reus (the cover up), but not as evidence of his mens rea to win illegitimately the office of President of the United States.
No mental element or mens rea was inferred from these activities while Trump was in office. Thus nothing material in the hush money case confers potential immunity - for covering up the crimes which allowed him to get elected and thus qualify for immunity for ALL the crimes committed while he was president.
The Mana or energy in the thing is precisely what we’re always looking for when we’re trying to discern in memes whether they’re Positive, Negative, or Neutral. In Disinfolklore we look at Mana as the well from which all our intentions / motivations / attitudes flows.
Now the US Supreme Court purports to prevent us from looking at the Mana / intention / motivation of a US President when we are trying to assess whether or not they might be criminally liable for conduct carried out while in office.
This is essentially establishing a monarchy in which the “Mana” (orthographically represented here as “Mona”) of the Monarch is necessarily “Rch” or “Right.”
“Rch” in Monarch preserves the Ancient Indo-European identity of the Right to represent, exclusively, the Muni of our communities and the personhood of the Monarch.
L’État C’est Moi cried Louis XIV.
Nothing (literally nothing) could be more unAmerican than an illegitimate Supreme Court claiming we cannot look at the Mana / intention / Motivation of a president potentially criminally liable for official or unofficial conduct.
Besides, human rights are universal and protected as a matter of International Law. American Municipal Law does not and cannot have primacy over international law. World War II established a legal order in which International Law has primacy over Municipal Law.
Rinsing the “Muni” out of our communities has been the writ of the political right since Reagan / Thatcher.
First they stop helping the sick, then fifty years later their illegitimate Supreme Court criminalise being homeless.
Note “- Rt” in Court - Tis everywhere deep in our language and structure of communal and municipal governance arrangements (just like M-N-) this is why:
The Right to claim the moniker “Right” is the most fought over cause / motivation in Indo-European communities from time immemorial.
From linguistics we know the rod/reg/patriarchal model of Indo-European monarchy involved a symbolic rod or wand.
*Reg ends up in almost every successor Indo-European culture.
The word "right" as in "human rights" and "Reich" stems too from this aspect of ancient Ukrainian monarchy.
"The Indo-European had tribal kings, who were thought of as stretching (*reg-) a rod to govern the people, and who were responsible for the fertility of the soil and the prosperity of the whole tribe. The inauguration of the Monarch was a fertility rite, perhaps with the notion of a goddess of fertility whom the Monarch must wed. Their power (Mana) and vigour..."
So from 1980s until 5 minutes ago, the Right meant “personal responsibility” and “rule of law.”
Today to be political right means the precise opposite: elect a criminal and scapegoat “the left” for every ill.
That moniker right has not changed yet its meaning now deranged.
The left (“sinister” in Latin) too as a moniker has not changed either.
Yet, the content of who is called sinister has: migrants, outsiders, those fighting to preserve democracy, and fight oligarchy’s monarchist turn.
Understand that the universe of terms including Rg / Rt / Reg / Rch / Rit / Rd sounds has a particular force / Mana.
Those who monopolise the control of what trolls containing these right sounds means have immense power / Mana.
This is how we’ve gone from the moniker “Right” meaning “personal responsibility” and “rule of law” to Mass Scapegoating of the woke / left for the Right’s own incapacity to govern righteously.
“Right,” “Reign,” “Writ,” “Authority,” “Regime,” “Foreigner,” “Realm,” “Reich,” the “Rch” of “Monarchy,” “Security,” “territorial integrity,” “fertility/ prosperity,” “Regulation”…
Means that these sounds are cognate with the *reign element in the English word “Sovereignty.
“Dieu et mon droit” is the French-language motto on the English monarch’s Coat of Arms - the “droit” in French signifies both “Law” and “Right.”
If you say “Roi” (“King” in French), “Right,” and the “roit” in “Droit” you might notice that despite the different spellings they all sound similar.
*Reg means “Rod” in the earliest Indo-European language that we know. Because of this, we know that monarchy was symbolised as the monarch stretching out a straight rod that signified the right of the king (Rex in Latin, Rí in old Irish, and Raja in the ancient Indian language Sanskrit are cognates meaning they come from the same Common Source) to rule.
What is the essence then of “Right”?
Sanskrit “rta” or ancient Persian captures it best.
‘Truth. What is, What is not illusory’ in Sanskrit or ‘Arta’ (‘truth’ in Ancient Iranian Avestan language)…
So when you feel the self-declared Right are promoting the lie and what is not real, you can know that Right moniker has been usurped.
Its meaning and personalisation being monopolised by the anti-Right.
Criminal cartoonish entertainer Trump promoted by 20 oligarchs through every media outlet as a cartoonish aspirant Monarch is certainly NOT right.
Therefore, distrust any source or person who either falls for or promotes that troll.
In democracy the Right belongs to us - Identity of sovereign (the people not a Monarch) and subject (the people) is what’s Right.
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