Check the many origin of language posts written by the late Stefan J. Harasymiw posted on the History, Social, Politics Lists of Infoukes.com. Their online archive is searchable. The relevant posts were written over several years 1997-ish. He likewise researched the similarities in languages at your level of study.

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Thank you very much for this tip @LadyHistorian Will pursue 🙏🏾

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In Celtic origin myth, the Tuatha Dé Danann was of comparative interest.

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Stefan wrote re the commonalities in languages and sounds in common with the Celtic tongues. If memory serves, it was the DN sounds, like Dnipro, etc. He liked my use of kinda archaic words.

Btw, I think it was the BBC that published a word test that determined from where in the UK one’s heritage originated based on how certain words are pronounced even generations after the crossing of the intervening puddle.

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The DN sound is of huge interest to me.

I visited Karatepe (near Adana in Türkiye - I am still mulling what I saw there and will write about it soon - I spoke briefly about it in this podcast:https://www.powerofmana.net/p/finding-manuland-first-episode) where an identical 8th century BCE inscription in Luwian hieroglyphics, Luwian script and Phoenician references the king of the Danaans. Assyrians called Cyprus Danuna. The first Greeks were referred to by Homer as the Danaans, and they may or may not have been the same as the Sea People Danaans referred to in at least three ancient Egyptian texts. I will seek out Stefan’s text.

My current understanding is that the D-N- sound is most probably Indo-European and went from Ancient Ukraine (Donn, Don, Donets, Don Hyper (Dniester), Don Istris (Dniester) and Danube: https://www.powerofmana.net/p/ancient-ukraines-don-sounding-rivers) back to Anatolia and also into early Iranian where it refers to rivers that probably embodied deities. Daena too - who guides the manes/souls of the dead over Cinvat Bridge either into the House of Lies or the House of Songs (see Chapter One of https://www.disinfolklore.net/p/counter-disinfolklore).

The Danavi dæmons mentioned in the Ancient Indian Mahabharata epic are believed to be a mythological artefact of an historical people who migrated to India (I would assume as part of one of the first Indo-European waves). I will write more on the DN sound which I started out looking for but discovered what I consider to be the more fundamental M-N- sound while tracing D-N- sound from Anciebt Ukraine across Manuland.

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Wow, it’s so interesting how these ancient linguistic similarities connect to our modern languages, and the science of genetic data proves the pathways taken in the migrations that led to the populating of the world. Even the elementary blood types indicate the general heritage of a person.

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Several other news outlets wrote in different detail about how generations after immigration, the famikial place of origin can be determined.

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Also, check the linguistic and cultural works of my mentor and friend, Dr. Larissa M. L. Zaleska Onyshkevych. She taught at Rutgers University, and was President of the US Shevchenko Scientific Society in NYC for many years.

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Excellent tip. Thank you. Just got her “Archaic and Classical cult-related graffiti from the Northern Black Sea region.” This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’m very only lightly written so far about the meaning of Odysseus descending into the underworld by the Kerch Straits (see What Medvedyev and Odysseus Got In Common? Both entered the Underworld at Kerch Crimea: https://www.decodingtrolls.net/p/pensees-69). In my readings on the Hittites and Classical Anatolia I’ve noticed the blank in the minds of even brilliant contemporary scholars that is Ukraine leads them always to assume, for example, Anatolian Homer thought of Kerch as the Ends of the World, rather than the very epicentre of it. I will address as part of the main thrust of my work: De-colonising pre-history and placing Ancient Ukraine 4,100 BCE - 2,500 BCE where it rightfully belongs - in the very centre of Manuland https://www.powerofmana.net/p/timothy-snyders-move So I’m so happy to have found Dr Onyshkevych dissertation. Many thanks for the tip. 🙇🏽🎁

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